One New Thing Every Day

From the day I turned 29, I tried to do one new thing a day... it took a few extra months, but I did it! Now I'll post new things randomly as I try them.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

#250 - Reno is Artown

Tonight our family attended the opening event for Artown in downtown Reno. We started at McKinley Park at about 6:00 where they had face painting, kids activities and the Noteables were performing. About 6:45 the March Forth Marching Band appeared, with performers on stilts (fascinating for the little guy) and a great little performance in the park. Then we all "marched" in the parade behind the band all the way to Wingfield Park, where we sat and visited with my good friend Mary. Actually, we saw lots of people we know at this event. It was fun, and there were tons of people. The photo was taken during the parade (not the most flattering shot of me, I realize, but it's hard to smile for an action shot while you're marching and carrying a 40-pound child on your back!)

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