One New Thing Every Day

From the day I turned 29, I tried to do one new thing a day... it took a few extra months, but I did it! Now I'll post new things randomly as I try them.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

#194 - Wallpaper Stickers

What a genius creation wallpaper stickers are! My wonderful sister bought some of these featuring the gang from Disney/Pixar's "Cars" and sent them to us via special delivery... so today, Grammy and I helped TLG plaster wallpaper stickers all over his room. TLG loved it, he chose which stickers went where, and did all the actual sticking himself. I wish his wonderful Auntie had been able to be here to enjoy a wonderful morning. We loved the stickers (and the bubble bath, too). (Grammy and PawPaw, thank you for your visit, and for being the messenger for today's new thing!)

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