One New Thing Every Day

From the day I turned 29, I tried to do one new thing a day... it took a few extra months, but I did it! Now I'll post new things randomly as I try them.

Friday, December 25, 2009

#415 - Christmas New Things

Merry Christmas! The Little Guy got lots of great new things I'm excited to share with him in the coming days. Today's new things included a scooter and a jump rope. The scooter seemed like no big deal, he just hopped on and figured it out, no problem. But he's never tried a jump rope before, so I got to teach TLG how to use a jump rope. Of course it's been years since I jumped rope myself, and the kid-sized one he got was a little small for me, but after trying (with no success) to explain how it works, I finally just borrowed the rope and showed him. He's not a pro yet, in fact he got bored and a little frustrated after just a few times around. But I think when the weather warms up and he gets the hang of it better, he'll really enjoy this activity.

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