One New Thing Every Day

From the day I turned 29, I tried to do one new thing a day... it took a few extra months, but I did it! Now I'll post new things randomly as I try them.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

#370 - $30 I'll Never See Again

We thought we were being fun, exciting parents when we tried to take TLG to see the movie "Monsters vs. Aliens" in 3D today. Instead, TLG (who admittedly was the youngest kid in the theater) got really scared of the things coming out of the screen... and we chose to leave the movie after about 20 minutes. With the extra charges for the 3D glasses and the popcorn/soda we bought, that's a good $30 we can't get back. I knew the movie was rated PG going in, but he loves Madagascar and has seen Shrek, so I thought the people at Dreamworks were on a roll. TLG also loves Monsters Inc. (which is a Disney/Pixar movie but, hey, it's about MONSTERS). Oh well, at least we tried.

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